Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad girl

Nothing can be more boring than a post that is more than a month old. Shame on me....
Well I blame the exams. =)
I'm almost done, the last and THE FINAL exam is coming up in almost a week. Can't wait to finally be free! As Marina Koslow once said, Nizhyn University is a prison for one's mind. (I seem to quote you a lot Marina... Feel special =) Well I absolutely agree. The teachers are getting every opportunity to revenge on the students for all things they haven't got in life - family, friends, children, a nice job.... (70% of the staff are not married and are older than 40) I think it's simply sad...

But this post is not about that. We are still alive, Will is working on the new church with Paul and the guys (the floor is about to be done, the walls are coming up), we are waiting for July 1st to start the immigrant visa process (God only knows how long it's going to take). We are not going to Moscow or Germany again because of the visa complications...

Life is good =)