Tuesday, February 26, 2008

McIntosh insight

As I guess most of those who read this blog know that Will is all into coffee and everything related to it. Paul calls him a coffee snob, because he likes brown sugar in his coffee. =)
Anyway, probably fewer of you know that Will is also a great cook. My first chicken cordon bleu and the chicken ceasar salad and all mexican food that can be made in Ukraine came from him.
But, as there is no perfection within men, my husband is not an exception: he is only good with cooking. BAKING, on the other hand, is left for me. Somehow anything that has to do with batter and baking comes out... well, wrong. (I love you honey!)
This picture shows the incredible amount of struggle with the dough hidden under the humble countenance of my dear husband =)The product was meant to be homemade pizza dough.


Unknown said...

We are not perfect
We do not want to be

Marina said...



Let go... Let God... said...

Great to have a husband who can help some cooking =)

Little Viky said...

Will's cooking is tasty (it sounds horrible in English but I can do nothing to express it better)