Saturday, March 1, 2008

Big Birthday for Little Vika

About a week ago Little Vika had a birthday.... (shhh! Don't tell anyone!! =)
So we threw a little party for her at church, and had some fun.
The cake was supposed to have a writing " Cake for an angel", but as it usually happens the candles melted the whipped cream... though anyone didn't seem to have a problem with that =)


Anonymous said...


Ira said...

Why do I always get weird people on my blog???

Little Viky said...

Am I so weird?!! I loved that cake, thank you! And the party was good!
I love you!
(My blog is visited only by Oksana. Be patient!)

Marina said...

i strongly recommend to turn on comment moderation. we all seem to have gotten under spammers' fire. last time i followed such a "weird" link i got a handful of viruses on my computer & spent good two hours deleting them...

Let go... Let God... said...

Wow... her birthday was SO big, but she's little ;) I'd love to spend my b-day in Ukraine...