Monday, March 31, 2008

Coffee is so good....

I'm thinking about renaming our blog to "Random Stuff" altogether, as there are more of those random queer facts or thoughts than any info about us =)
I found this joke on the web and thought of all the people I know that could very well fit under that category =) No pointing fingers, they know I meant them !! =)


1. The only time you are standing still is during an earthquake!
2. You walk twenty miles on your treadmill before you realize it's not plugged in.
3. You short out motion detectors.
4. You've built a miniature city out of little plastic stirrers.
5. You can jump start your car without cables.
6. You answer the door before people knock.
7. You get a speeding ticket even when you are parked.
8. You've worn out your third pair of shoes this week.
9. Your eyes stay open even when you sneeze.
10. You grind coffee beans in your mouth.
11. You can type sixty words per minute -- with your feet.
12. You soak your dentures in coffee overnight.
13. You sleep with your eyes open.
14. You have a picture of your coffee mug on your coffee mug.
15. Instant coffee takes too long to make.
16. You channel surf faster without the remote.
17. You don't sweat... you percolate.


Marina said...

nah, that's not about me, so i'm 100% not addicted to coffee!
this is my favorite: You have a picture of your coffee mug on your coffee mug.
by the way, have you found decaf somewhere here? you asked me once. i havent seen it in our stores but chris says there is.

Let go... Let God... said...

Those are so funny! =)

Ira said...

Marina, Yes! Of course, Illy (to die for!), the can is green, make sure of that. Also another brand called Ionia that sells decaf, but again make sure is says DECAFFEINATO on the pack =)

and, yeah, you are NOT 100% addicted, pshhh!!

Marina said...

another joke about coffee i've just found:

Signs You've Had Too Much Coffee:

• You're drinking out of a rain barrel because it counts as "one".
• No matter what color they used to be, your eyes are now brown.
• You're not reading this because you're in the bathroom again.
• You're wide awake at work. At WORK.
• Hear that? It's your heart beating.

Little Viky said...

I'm not a coffee adict at all:(((

Ira said...

you should be proud and flaunting this fact!! People have too many problems, and coffee seems to be one of them, so at least you haven't got that one =)

Little Viky said...

I wonder if there exist any fitures of addiction to God.