Wednesday, March 26, 2008

From the morning till night...

Exactly 22 years ago on a snowy day in Syberia a girl was born... Yeah, yeah, I'm getting older =) Well, my birthday seems to be lasting for 2 days now, since yesterday my husband made a special meal for me consisting mainly from barbecued chicken in 4 different marinades (yes, we live in an apartment, and , yes, he barbequed on our tiny porch - or balcony =) which was absolutely delicious! And today I went to school and celebrated there, since we have a sweet tradition to celebrate each other's birthday every year. Usually in Ukraine the person who has a birthday has to run around half-dead buying cakes and so for the party - yes, it's not arranged for you, like it should be... =) Today I wanted to do something different and made fruit salad instead. Needless to say, the girls loved it.

This is my husband's hand brushing the chicken with marinade

And this is the fruity goodness... Especially delicious in this season


Marina said...

hey, happy birthday sis!
i call 22 a jubilee, so it's okay to celebrate it 2 days in a row. or three :)

Ira said...

Or the whole week, as we are thinking about going to a sushi restaurant on Saturday...

Let go... Let God... said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Anya said...

с днем рождения. я вот только на днях узнала, что твой Уилл с того же села, что и Джейк :) Значит, будет с кем по-русски поболтать, когда будем здесь в гостях. Лет эдак через 30. после нашего полугодового "визита" меня сюда силой теперь не затащишь.

Ira said...

Во как жестоко прошлась Америка по нашим своей цивилизацией... =)
Это было бы супер.
А когда вы назад, на Нэньку Украину ?